Aviolas Capsule House Model E8


AVIOLAS Capsule House Model E8
AVIOLAS Capsule House Model E8

Beds: 2                Bath:1

Area: 36.8m²       LxWxH: 11.5m x 3.2m x 3.2m


Standard configuration:

  • Fine finishing, shower room with artificial stone finish and partition, toilet, sink, smart mirror, sink cabinet, curtain mechanism, thermal insulation, waterproofing, wind protection, smart lock, internal and external lighting, electricity wiring, sewerage, water treatment.

Optional configuration:

  • sofa, coffee table, TV cabinet, double bed, bedside table, refrigerator, TV, kitchen (lower and upper cabinets, sink, artificial stone countertop), hob.

* E8 have 2 floor plans, with balcony or without balcony.

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